
Saturday 4 August 2012

Wills tells of his fear he and Kate will be caught being lovey dovey on camera at Olympic venues

'My kiss cam dread': Wills tells of his fear he and Kate will be caught being lovey dovey on camera at Olympic venues

  • 'That would have been embarrassing' says Prince as he and Harry make a surprise appearance on the BBC's Olympic sofa 
  • Wills admits getting 'carried away' with cousin Zara's medal
  • They were kept in the dark about Queen's Bond role

Prince William has told how he feared being captured on a 'kiss cam' sharing an intimate moment with his wife Kate.
The royal couple were pictured hugging and holding each other as cyclist Sir Chris Hoy and his team-mates raced to a gold medal.
William was worried the velodrome's roving 'kiss cam' would zero in on them and force them to pucker up.
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Caught on camera: Prince William and his wife Kate celebrate Sir Chris Hoy and his team-mates winning gold in the velodrome
Caught on camera: Prince William and his wife Kate celebrate Sir Chris Hoy and his team-mates winning gold in the velodrome
Pucker up: President Obama gives his wife Michelle a kiss after a 'kiss cam' focused on them at a U.S. basketball team match in Washington
Pucker up: President Obama gives his wife Michelle a kiss after a 'kiss cam' focused on them at a U.S. basketball team match in Washington
He told the BBC: ' I was absolutely dreading they were going to come and show myself and my wife. That would have been very embarrassing.'
'Kiss cams' - TV cameras which pick out fans at big sporting events and urge them to kiss - have become popular in America with President Barack Obama the latest celebrity in the frame.
Mr Obama and his wife Michelle Obama finally gave the people what they wanted while supporting the U.S. basketball Olympic team at a game in Washington.
They were caught  twice, but needed a little urging from the audience to smooch in front of all the fans. Eventually, the President gave in and pecked the First Lady on the lips.
Princes William and Harry gave the 2012 Games a surprise boost last night  when they talked to presenter Sue Barker about their Olympic experiences so far.
Are you sitting comfortably? Sue Barker chats to Princes William and Harry on the BBC Sport's sofa last night
Are you sitting comfortably? Sue Barker chats to Princes William and Harry on the BBC Sport's sofa last night
Informal: Both princes were dressed in open collar shirts with London 2012 pins on the lapels of their blazers
Informal: Both princes were dressed in open collar shirts with London 2012 pins on the lapels of their blazers
The Duke of Cambridge and his brother popped up during the BBC’s primetime early evening slot to offer their verdicts on Britain’s medal performances and give our athletes the royal seal of approval.
There was also an affectionate tribute to their grandmother, the Queen, over her ‘secret hobby of parachuting’ which wowed millions during the opening ceremony.
In a remarkably relaxed few minutes, the two princes chatted so informally on the sofa it could almost have been the ‘Royal One Show’.
The presenter introduced her ‘very special guests’ using their full titles, but then casually directed her questions to ‘William’ and ‘Harry’.

    Prince William and Prince Harry talk to Sue Barker
    Prince William and Prince Harry talk to Sue Barker
    Pride: Both William and Harry spoke fo how proud they were of their cousin Zara's equestrian success
    The royal siblings joked about their grandmother's 'new hobby' - parachuting - and how she has been requested for the new Bond movie
    The royal siblings joked about their grandmother's 'new hobby' - parachuting - and how she has been requested for the new Bond movie
    With Olympic history unfolding behind them, the royal pair sat side by side in front of the stadium, sporting blazers and open neck shirts, and gave the clear impression they were having a great time at the ‘electrifying’ Games.
    As Harry put it: ‘We’ve had  a chance to be at quite a few events, but just to feel  the buzz of the British public getting behind the teams  is astonishing.’
    The princes spoke of their immense pride in their cousin Zara Phillips and her equestrian medal success – and revealed they were kept ‘completely in the dark’ about the Queen’s transformation to Bond girl in the Olympic opening ceremony.
    The scenes, shot in Buckingham Palace and featuring the Queen alongside Bond star Daniel Craig, proved to be some of the most memorable in the extravaganza.
    William admitted that he was terrified that the velodrome's kiss cam would force him kiss wife Kate in front of the crowd
    William admitted that he was terrified that the velodrome's kiss cam would force him kiss wife Kate in front of the crowd
    Harry told Sue: ‘Both of  us were slightly surprised with our grandmother’s secret hobby that she had of parachuting, which went down unbelievably well.’
    William said: ‘To be honest, we were kept completely in the dark about it, that’s how big the secret was.’
    He said Harry had ‘got a sniff’ of a rumour but they did not know for sure until they saw the scenes. ‘She did such a good performance that she has now been asked to star in the next Bond film,’ he joked.
    ‘You don’t expect the Queen to do something like that,’ Harry added, quipping: ‘What she does in her spare time is her spare time...’
    The princes have been highly visible during the Games, not just enjoying themselves at the events, but acting as unofficial Olympic ambassadors for Britain’s image abroad.
    William described the silver medal won by their cousin Zara’s team in the three-day equestrian event as ‘absolutely fantastic’, adding: ‘Emotionally I got completely carried away in the moment.’
    Harry added: ‘We as cousins are very, very proud. It explains why we never get to see her as she is always riding.’

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