
Thursday 13 December 2012

'Why the World Didn't End Yesterday': Confident NASA release Mayan apocalypse video TEN DAYS early

'Why the World Didn't End Yesterday': Confident NASA release Mayan apocalypse video TEN DAYS early

So confident are NASA that the apocalypse will not happen on December 21st that they have released a video 10 days ahead of schedule entitled 'Why the World Didn't End Yesterday'.
Outlining point by point each of the so called 'myths' that surround the end of the Mayan calendar, astronomical and planetary experts debunk any notions that the sun will irradiate the atmosphere or that a rogue planet will smash into our Earth.
But while no soul will be around to point and laugh at anyone from the U.S. space agency should they be wrong, NASA scientists seem so sure that life will go on that the video meant to be released on December 22nd was put out yesterday.
Scroll Down for Video In a forthright and confident message NASA released a video explaining why the Mayan apocalypse did not come on 21st December ten days early
In a forthright and confident message NASA released a video explaining why the Mayan apocalypse did not come on 21st December ten days early
'If you are watching this video then that means one thing...the world didn't end yesterday,' begins the prematurely released video.
    The end-of-days prophesy is based on an interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar which claims the world will end on December 21 2012.
    Astronomical and planetary experts from the U.S. space agency explained away all the myths surrounding the end of the Mayan calender - particularly that a rogue planet was due to hit the Earth
    Astronomical and planetary experts from the U.S. space agency explained away all the myths surrounding the end of the Mayan calender - particularly that a rogue planet was due to hit the Earth
    As 'zero hour' approaches, various theories have been posed as to how Planet Earth will meet its doom - all of which are disproved by NASA's film clip.
    One claims that Nibiru, a rogue planet discovered by the ancient Sumerians, will crash into Earth on December 21st, killing everyone.
    Scientists, however, say there is no such planet.
    Indeed, the video from NASA claims that all the apocalyptic theories are built on a massive misconception.
    Dr. John Carlson, who is the Director of the Center for archeo-astronomy says the Mayan calender in fact does not end on December 21st 2012.
    'There were no Mayan prophecies that foretold the end of the world,' said Dr. Carlson who has been studying the 2012 phenomenon 35-years ago.
    'The concept of time used by Mayan's dwarfed those of modern astronomers.
    Dr. John Carlson, who is the Director of the Center for archeo-astronomy says the Mayan calender is based around a huge misconception
    Dr. John Carlson, who is the Director of the Center for archeo-astronomy says the Mayan calender is based around a huge misconception
    The video from NASA makes the point that if a rogue planet or asteroid was about to hit the Earth we would already be able to see it with our bare eyes
    The video from NASA makes the point that if a rogue planet or asteroid was about to hit the Earth we would already be able to see it with our bare eyes
    'According to our sciene the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago but there are dates in Mayan ruins that stretch back a billion billion times farther than that.
    'The Mayan Long Count calender was designed to keep track of such long intervals and is the most complex calender system ever developed.'


    Ancient Mayans believed that a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count would come to a close on December 21 2012.
    Tourists have already flocked to archaeological sites in Mexico and Central America where 'Apocalypse parties' are being held to mark a new Mayan era on December 21
    Experts estimate the system, which is made up of 394-year periods called baktuns, started counting at 3114 BC, and will have run through 13 baktuns, or 5,125 years, around December 21.
    They say 13 was a significant number for the Maya, and the end of that cycle would be a milestone — but they have been keen to stress that it does not mark an end.
    Conspiracy theorists nonetheless believe the Maya may have been privy to impending astronomical disasters that would coincide with 2012, ranging from explosive storms on the surface of the sun that could knock out power grids to a galactic alignment that could trigger a reversal in Earth's magnetic field.
    Explaining that the Mayan calender resembles the odometer in a car, Dr. Carlson explains in the video that the calender simply 'rolls over' when it has reached a designated point so that it can repeat itself.
    'This repetition is key to the 2012 phenomenon,' said Dr. Carlson.
    'According to Maya theology the world was created 5,125 years ago on a date we would write August 11th, 3114 B.C
    '13 baktuns or cycles will have elapsed since that date which will now reach zero, but no destructive prophecies match that point.'
    Another theory claims that the earth's magnetic field will reverse producing dire consequences such as violent hurricanes and the loss of all electronic communication systems.
    Some believe the earth is unwittingly hurtling headlong towards a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way that will suck humanity into oblivion.
    Backing up Dr. Carlson's points is Dr. Don Yeomans, who is head of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program stated that no known asteroids or comets were on a collision course with Earth.
    Neither is a rogue planet coming to destroy us.
    Indeed, if there were any planet or comet coming to destroy us next week they would already be a bright dot visible in the sky according to the NASA video.
    Another NASA expert, Lika Guhathakurta, head of the space agency's Living with a Star program has denied the sun is a threat either.
    'Right now the sun is approaching the peak of its 11-year activity cycle but this is the wimpiest solar cycle of the last 50-years,' said Guhathakurta.
    However, despite NASA's confident video, recent disasters - including the earthquake in Japan - as well as anxiety over pandemics and economic concerns - are creating a global climate of fear, which for some are omens of impending doom.

    The end-of-days prophesy is based on an interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar which claims an intergalactic planet is on a crash course with Earth and will impact on December 21 2012
    The end-of-days prophesy is based on an interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar which claims an intergalactic planet is on a crash course with Earth and will impact on December 21 2012

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