
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Binky Felstead sheds a STONE in a week at bootcamp as she slims down for Made in Chelsea

Binky Felstead sheds a STONE in a week at bootcamp as she slims down for new season of Made in Chelsea (then drops another half using lunchtime lipo... isn't that cheating?) 

  • 5ft 7in brunette lost a stone in a week at bootcamp
  • Originally weighed 10st but shed 1st in the first week at the retreat
  • Followed military style activities and low calorie diet
  • Followed up bootcamp weightloss with Lipoglaze sessions
  • Showcased svelte new figure in OK! Magazine shots

Like many of us, Made In Chelsea star Binky Felstead went overboard on the festive treats this Christmas and entered 2013 weighing 10st and feeling, in her words, 'gross'.
But as filming for season five of the E4 show loomed, the reality TV star decided it was time to shed the excess and packed herself off to bootcamp to beast the pounds away. 
Binky, who at 5ft 7in was within the healthy BMI range, wanted to lose extra fat and tone up to reach her target weight of under 9st - which would put her at the lower end of the healthy range.
Following a rigorous diet and exercise plan at bootcamp she managed to lose a stone.
But Binky didn't stop there. She followed up with a lipo treatment to shift the stubborn remaining pounds.
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Looking good: Made in Chelsea's Binky Felstead shed an impressive 1.5st during her time at fitness camp and after her lipoglaze treament
Looking good: Made in Chelsea's Binky Felstead shed an impressive 1.5st during her time at fitness camp and after her lipoglaze treament
Before and after: In preparation for season five of Made in Chelsea Binky slimmed down after some festive overindulgence and the results are clear to see
Before and after: In preparation for season five of Made in Chelsea Binky slimmed down after some festive overindulgence and the results are clear to see
Before and after: In preparation for season five of Made in Chelsea Binky slimmed down after some festive overindulgence and the results are clear to see 
Now Binky weighs 8st 7lbs - and says she's perfectly happy to stop there. 
Speaking about her weightloss, Binky said: 'I got back to London in January and I’d been skiing and having huge meals and drinking lots so I was in bad shape and I felt gross so I went to No 1 Boot Camp in Norfolk for seven days.
'It’s been amazing. I’ve lost a stone and a half and the trainers were amazing and the food was insanely good, even though the portions were tiny.'
But Binky's svelte new figure didn't come without hard work.
A resident of the notoriously hardcore No 1 Bootcamp in Norfolk, she was awoken every morning at at 6am by loud music to do activities such as tyre flipping, circuits, and beach workouts.
Freezing the fat: After fitness camp, Binky had a lipoglaze treatment to target her hips, where she struggles to shift the excess fat
Freezing the fat: After fitness camp, Binky had a lipoglaze treatment to target her hips, where she struggles to shift the excess fat
Then she would have a specially prepared breakfast before embarking on two hour and a half long sessions of cross, circuit and high intensity interval training. 
Calories at the camp were limited to just over a thousand per day for females and each meal was a blend of slow release carbs, lean protein and essential fats. 
Military-style hikes of between seven to eight miles filled the majority of the afternoon to maximise fat burning. 
When the hike was complete, the day culminated in a High Intensity Interval Training session followed by an ice bath to aid recovery and reduce injuries. 
'Afterwards you have a two minute ice bath to cool your muscles down and get your circulation going, it’s a shock because you're frozen and numb but it does help,' she added.
The hikes paid off: Binky would rise at 6am and embark on an intensive training schedule
The hikes paid off: Binky would rise at 6am and embark on an intensive training schedule
Ex-Special Forces fitness trainer Lee Andrews took Binky through her paces.
He said: ‘Despite being relatively sedentary, Binky had a high level of physical fitness. We were able to use advanced interval protocols to rapidly boost fitness and help shed the pounds. 
'Each workout was different, worked the body as a whole unit and heavily taxed the cardiovascular system at the same time.’
Fat be gone: Speaking after the lipoglaze treatment, she said her hips were her stubborn areas but she can see a difference already
Fat be gone: Speaking after the lipoglaze treatment, she said her hips were her stubborn areas but she can see a difference already
Later in the week Binky had Lipoglaze treatment to target her hips, where she struggles to shift the excess fat.
She said: 'My hips are my stubborn areas but after the lipoglaze I can see a difference already. 
'It’s a completely pain-free non-invasive treatment where your fatty tissue is gently warmed and then quickly cooled for 45 minutes. 
'The freezing kills off the fat cells and the dead cells are then passed through your body. The nozzle on the machine feels like a love bite but without the bruising.'
Following the treatment, Binky reported a further 1.5in loss from her thighs.


  • Rise at 6am
    Read the full interview in OK! Magazine, out now
    Read the full interview in OK! Magazine, out now
  • Do activities such as tyre flipping, circuits, and beach workouts
  • Eat specially prepared breakfast 
  • Embark on two 1.5 hour sessions of cross, circuit and high intensity interval training
  • Military style hikes of between 7-8 miles fill the majority of the afternoon to maximise fat burning
  • High Intensity Interval Training session followed by an ice bath to aid recovery and reduce injuries
  • The therapeutic fat loss menu at No 1 Boot Camp was prepared by Michael Kelly
  • Each bootcamp meal is a careful blend of the vital nutrients to support not only health, but also the rigors of intense training
  • His basic principles are low carbs during the early stages to wean campers off refined sugar and simple carbs. Heavy doses of protein utilises the Hypothermic Effect of food to aid weight loss and more complex carbs are introduced later in the week to aid glycogen repletion and performance

The full interview and more pictures are available in this week's OK! magazine, on sale now.
Find out more about LoveLite lipoglaze at
Find out more about No 1 Bootcamp at

 VIDEO  Slimline Binky's latest make-up tutorial on applying the perfect bronzer  

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