Tuesday 8 January 2013

Piers' Explosive showdown with Alex Jones as they 'discuss' gun control

Piers' EXPLOSIVE showdown with the man who wants to deport him: Sparks fly as CNN host discusses gun control with Alex Jones

  • Jones, a radio host and prominent conspiracy theorist, called British CNN host a 'foreigner and a redcoat'
  • Jones is leading a drive to petition the White House to deport Morgan for advocating tougher gun control laws
  • The libertarian commentator threatened '1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms'

Piers Morgan's interview with the man leading the charge to have him deported turned explosive as the CNN anchor tried to discuss gun control in America.
Morgan brought radio talk show host Alex Jones onto his prime time show on Monday to talk about why Jones believes Morgan should be banned from the country for his views on gun control - which Morgan has made a center-stage topic since the December 14 massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. 
Jones, however, spent nearly all of the time screaming at Morgan at the top of his lungs, calling him a 'redcoat foreigner' - a reference to Morgan's British citizenship - and threatening revolution if anyone tried to 'take our guns.'
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Explosive: Alex Jones, right, spent nearly all of his 15 minutes on CNN shouting at Piers Morgan, left, at the top of his lungs
Explosive: Alex Jones, right, spent nearly all of his 15 minutes on CNN shouting at Piers Morgan, left, at the top of his lungs
Volatile: Jones ranted for three minutes straight at the start of the interview, without Morgan getting a single word in edgewise
Volatile: Jones ranted for three minutes straight at the start of the interview, without Morgan getting a single word in edgewise
'Let me say, 1776 will commence again if you try to take out firearms. No matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to be taken. We will not relinquish them,' Jones said.
Jones, a well-known conspiracy theorist whose radio show and website, InfoWars.com, reaches millions of Americans, at one point challenged Morgan to a boxing match. 
He also claimed 'mass murder suicide pills' like the anti-depressant Prozac were the real cause of massacres like the ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the late screening of the 'Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora, Colorado.
Throughout the exchange, Morgan attempted to foster a debate about gun control, beginning with the fact that the United States counted more than 11,000 gun murders last year while Britain had only 35. 
He tried many times to calm Jones down and get him to answer his questions.
Most of the time, it was a failed effort and Jones was insistent on getting his own points across. 
Finger pointing: Jones said Morgan is a foreigner who is working to disarm the American people for dastardly purposes
Finger pointing: Jones said Morgan is a foreigner who is working to disarm the American people for dastardly purposes
Fiery: Morgan tried several times to calm Jones down - to little effect
Fiery: Morgan tried several times to calm Jones down and had little success
Morgan began one exchange by saying: 'Let's try again. You accuse me of attacking the second amendment... ' 
Jones responded: 'I wanna get people off pills that the insert says will make you commit suicide and kill people. I wanna blame the real culprit - suicide pills. Mass murder pills.'
When asked again about the difference in the murder rates between the U.S. and Britain, Jones responded: 'You're a hatchet man of the New World Order' - referring to the belief among conspiracy theorists that an international cabal is working to break down national boundaries and control the entire world. 
Morgan was persistent: 'Let's try again. How many gun murders were there in Britain last year?'
Jones responded: 'I don't know, how many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin?'
Not impressed: Morgan worked to keep his temper and not shout as he tried to foster a debate
Not impressed: Morgan worked to keep his temper and not shout as he tried to foster a debate
Angry: Jones clearly had a point to make and was intent on shouting to ensure he was heard
Angry: Jones clearly had a point to make and was intent on shouting to ensure he was heard
Jones is leading a drive to petition the White House, under its We the People program, to deport Morgan back to Britain because he 'is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment.'
The petition has more than 105,000 votes - more than four times the number required to receive an official White House response. 
Jones explained the petition drive as: 'It's to point out that you're a foreigner, a redcoat, here telling us what to do.' 
'Redcoat' refers to the red uniforms British soldiers wore as they fought the colonists during the Revolutionary War.
After the interview with Jones first aired, the White House press office responded to questions about the petition with a statement saying: 'The White House responds to all petitions that cross the threshold and we will respond to this one. 
'In the meantime, it is worth remembering that the freedom of expression is a bedrock principle in our democracy.'

 VIDEO  Explosive confrontation between Piers Morgan & Alex Jones 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258827/Piers-Morgan-Alex-Jones-explodes-CNN-interview-gun-control.html#ixzz2HNSZoNXZ
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