
Saturday 26 January 2013

YOU interview: Katie Leung ‘I wasn’t sure If I could act again after Harry Potter’

YOU interview: Katie Leung ‘I wasn’t sure If I could act again after Harry Potter’

Katie taking time off from filming Run in Brixton, wearing clothes by fashion graduates from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art
Katie taking time off from filming Run in Brixton, wearing clothes by fashion graduates from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art
Katie Leung made her debut in the biggest film franchise of all time – but then nearly walked away from acting altogether. She tells Benji Wilson why uncovering her past tempted her to return… 
Before she had even left school, Katie Leung was famous as Cho Chang, the weepy girl with a bit of a temper in the Harry Potter films. It was, of course, that kiss that did it – in the fifth film of the series, Katie’s second outing, she became the first girl to kiss the boy wizard himself, and with that came instant worldwide celebrity (as well as a little jealousy from the sharper tongued of Daniel Radcliffe’s female fans). 
She went on to appear in the remaining three Potter films, but once they were done, rather than rush off to Hollywood, Katie took a step back.
Because working out how to follow a role in the highest-grossing film franchise of all time isn’t easy. Katie returned home to Motherwell in Scotland. It was there, at 16, that she had been plucked from obscurity, with no previous acting experience, to win the role of Cho – it was her father who had suggested she audition. 
But post-Potter, Katie, now 25, returned north and signed up to a photography course, before making her theatre debut in London last year in the stage adaptation of Jung Chang’s Wild Swans. It received rave reviews – yet, once again, Katie retreated, this time to drama school in Glasgow.
She’s still studying, and to good effect – we’ll see her next in a role that could not be further from Hogwarts’s hallowed halls. In Channel 4’s gritty four-parter Run, starring alongside Olivia Colman, Jaime Winston and Lennie James, Katie plays Ying, a Chinese illegal immigrant selling DVDs to try to free herself from the vicious gang-master who brought her to Britain. On the one hand, Ying is a role that touches on aspects of Katie’s own heritage: her parents, who are now divorced, are of Chinese descent, although her mother was born in Britain and her father in Hong Kong, after his parents emigrated from China during the first phase of communism in the 1950s. 
On the other hand, Katie’s life is a world away from Ying’s: Katie’s father became a successful Glasgow restaurateur and she went to Hamilton College, a prestigious private school; Ying is barely hanging on to society’s bottom rung. If anything can erase the memory of Cho Chang, this is it. 
We met her on the streets of Brixton, where Run is set, to find out what Katie did next…
Your part in Run couldn’t really be more different from Harry Potter.
Ying’s experiences in those 45 minutes get worse and worse. There’s nudity, there’s a rape – and there are a few scenes which have been cut, such as when Ying sleeps on the street for a night and two teenagers who have been out drinking urinate all over her. It was not very nice.

Did you know much about Britain’s illegal immigrants beforehand?
It’s a subject that has fascinated me for quite a while. Coincidentally, I did a photography project
in my final year at the Edinburgh College of Art, while I was in Wild Swans, and I photographed a few immigrants. It really saddened me because they’re completely ignored by society and yet they’re such an integral part of it. They get a lot of bad press – with the economy today they’re blamed for everything. There should be more compassion for what they’re going through, because, at the end of the day, they’re just trying to pay their bills.

Trousers and cape, victoria kwong (Central saint martins 2012). shoes, Manolo Blahnik. ring, mawi
Trousers and cape, victoria kwong (Central saint martins 2012). shoes, Manolo Blahnik. ring, mawi
After Harry Potter you could have gone straight on to another film. Yet you chose to do a play and then go back to drama school. Why?
I was kind of lost and wanted to try different things. After Potter, I wasn’t sure if I could be
an actor. I questioned whether they chose me because I fitted the part physically, rather than because of my acting skills. 
Were you put off by the mad fans and all the Hollywood hullaballoo?
It was nice to be a part of the premieres and publicity, but it was also a relief to leave it behind. I’m not the type of person who enjoys the limelight. But I’m not ungrateful; I took a lot from the experience. Touring so many countries publicising the films, I was given an opportunity to see the world, encounter different cultures and meet so many amazing, interesting people.

How were you received in China when you went to launch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? 
I don’t think they were very pleased. I didn’t speak Chinese when I was there and I think they were expecting me to. I was born in Scotland and have lived there all my life. I speak conversational Cantonese with my dad when I’m at home, and very basic Mandarin. But I was afraid to speak – I was
only 17 at the time. So I stuck to English and I think they were quite disappointed.

What was it like working on a film set so young?
I grew up overnight. I was still 16, doing my Highers, and I left school to go down to Watford and film. I spent a lot of time being tutored on set. But during my extended breaks from filming, I would go back to school, and it was these moments that made me realise just how much more there was out there. Back in Scotland all my friends were still in a bubble. Suddenly we had nothing in common. It was really difficult to get back with them – it never really happened. I don’t resent that – in a way it made
me realise how privileged I was to be working and seeing a wider world. But I don’t mind saying that I have very few friends – most of them are close and from way back. I find it very difficult to trust people; I think it’s just an insecurity of mine.

What did Harry Potter give you?
It has definitely helped me decide what I want to do with my life. Before getting the part I had absolutely no idea. From doing Run, I’ve learnt that actors are afraid to tell people what they
do because most of the time they’re out of a job. But at this point in time, I’m proud to say that I am an actor.

You met author Jung Chang while you were in Wild Swans…
She was there during the rehearsal process, and she had a lot of input. She would speak to the director, who would come back with notes. There wasn’t much she wanted to change – the haircut of an actor, or something like that. Luckily mine was fine! I did have highlights at the time, so I made sure I dyed it black before I started rehearsing. But yes, she was very supportive.

Katie with Robert Pattinson (as Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory) in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Katie with Robert Pattinson (as Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory) in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Your father is originally from Hong Kong and you have Chinese grandparents. Was reading the book an eye-opener on your own heritage?
Yes. I’ve always been conflicted about where I belong. It’s a very weird feeling. You hear your grandparents talk about how lucky you are to be in this generation and not theirs, with everything that they’ve been through. I was told that every time I visited [China] but didn’t really take it in. After having read the book and discovering what communism meant, you suddenly start to see a much bigger picture.

So where do you feel you belong now? 
I enjoy being where I am in Scotland – I have a place in Edinburgh. London is very fast and aggressive, although I feel more motivated to work when I’m here.

What is your nature, would you say?
I’m very quiet. I can go a whole week without talking, so doing interviews is really awkward for me! I enjoy my own company a lot – too much, probably. I read, see films, take photographs – that’s it really. One of the things I liked about my character in Run is that she can just disappear into the background if she wants, which is what I’m like.
But you’re looking glam today in clothes by fashion graduates from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art. What do you mooch around in at home?
My pyjamas. My onesie, to be more specific. I have one that’s fleecy, with a hood. I’m like a boy. I’m not very graceful or elegant when I’m in the house. And I love beer!

Do you have a boyfriend?
Yes. He’s a recruitment consultant, so his work is very different to mine. That’s nice to come home to, though. It keeps you sane. We’ve been together for three years; he’s one of my brother’s friends. I don’t really party or anything like that. I’m actually soooo boring and ungirlie. When we started going out I told him never to get me flowers, jewellery or teddy bears.

That could make life very difficult for a man.
Well, for Christmas he got me a Polaroid camera – the new version – and that went down well.
Starring as an illegal immigrant in the gritty drama series Run
Starring as an illegal immigrant in the gritty drama series Run
Are you still in touch with the Potter mob?
I don’t have any contact with Dan [Radcliffe], but I see Bonnie Wright, Jessie Cave and Anna Shaffer. Anna’s off to Los Angeles and Jessie has her own website and blog. Everyone’s doing their own thing, but at the same time continuing with acting. And that goes for me too.
Run will be shown on Channel 4 in March 

Katie’s collection
★ Book The Hobbit — I’m reading it before I see the film. Lord of the Rings is one of my all-time favourite movies.

★ Music I’ve been listening to the Drive soundtrack. I’m really liking my soundtracks at the moment — Lost in Translation, that’s another one.

★ Fashion icon David Bowie’s cool. He’s out there.

★ Shop Cos is pretty much the only shop I go to. It’s very military. Black, white, grey — my favourite colours.

★ Accessory I have a Mulberry midnight-purple bag that I was given at an event. Practical and durable.

★ Shoes My black and yellow Converse. Every time.

★ Jewellery My stepmum gave me a vintage Rolex and I love it. It’s very classy.

★ Drink A Corona please.

★ Saving up for A Hasselblad camera.

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