
Monday 11 February 2013

Daily Mail Exclusive:Imogen Thomas gives birth to daughter Ariana Siena

EXCLUSIVE: It's a baby girl! Imogen Thomas gives birth to daughter Ariana Siena 

  • Healthy baby girl weighted 6lb2oz and was born at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital on Monday morning 
  • Imogen has named her daughter Ariana Siena Horsley 
  • 'Both mother and baby are doing well': A spokesman told MailOnline

    Reality star Imogen Thomas was celebrating the birth of her first child on Monday morning - a healthy baby girl.
Imogen, 30, welcomed Ariana Siena Horsley at 10.45am this morning at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital with boyfriend Adam Horsley by her side. 
A spokesman for the former glamour model told MailOnline: 'Mother and baby are doing really well and are both healthy.
New mum! Imogen Thomas gave birth this morning to her baby daughter
New mum! Imogen Thomas gave birth this morning to her baby daughter
'Imogen is pleased as she wanted a daughter.'
Ariana weighed 6lb2ozs and is believed to have been delivered by a planned Caesarean section after doctors discovered Imogen's baby was in breech. 
In the days leading up to her due date Imogen said she was disappointed not to be given the chance to give birth naturally, but has followed doctors' advice to go into surgery.
She tweeted: 'My date is booked for a c section! Eeekks! Nervous excited mixed emotions! Can't wait to meet my baby xxxxxxxxxxxxx.'
Days before giving birth: Ready to pop: Imogen Thomas shared a picture of her baby bump on February 4 after reaching the 38-week mark
Days before giving birth: Ready to pop: Imogen Thomas shared a picture of her baby bump on February 4 after reaching the 38-week mark
Change of plans: Imogen revealed last week that despite her hope of having a water birth, she was going to have to have a caesarean section Change of plans: Imogen revealed last week that despite her hope of having a water birth, she was going to have to have a caesarean section
After a negative response on Twitter from some followers accusing her of being 'too posh to push', she replied it was for medical reasons.
She fumed: 'For those of u criticising me for having a c sec...the doctor says I have to as my stomach muscles r too strong to turn baby.'
After a negative response on Twitter from some followers accusing her of being 'too posh to push', she replied it was for medical reasons.
New parents: Adam was by Imogen's side as his daughter was born on Monday morning
New parents: Adam was by Imogen's side as his daughter was born on Monday morning
In an interview last week, Imogen admitted she ideally wanted a water birth, but had prepared herself for the chance of having a c-section if the baby remained breech.
She told New! magazine: 'I'd prefer a normal water birth because I've mentally prepared myself for it and giving birth must be the most painful but wonderful experience ever.
'I'd like to be able to go, "Is it a boy or girl?" and then pull my baby towards me. I think it's a mother's instinct.
Can't wait to meet my baby! Imogen Thomas said she regretted not having a natural birth but added her birth choice was for medical reasons
Can't wait to meet my baby! Imogen Thomas said she regretted not having a natural birth but added her birth choice was for medical reasons
'But then again, the baby's been breech the whole time - it's not moved at all. I still keep getting kicks down my lower belly, so really I don't mind as long as it comes out healthy.
Imogen and her Australian broker boyfriend Adam Horsley announced they were expecting in August after less than a year of dating.
The pair moved in together just before Christmas, but Imogen has denied speculation they will be rushing down the aisle in addition to having a family.
She said: 'We've only been together a year and three months. We're having a baby so we're just going to take each day as it comes.'

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