
Thursday 14 February 2013

Flavia Cacace: Life as I know it - Daily Express

Strictly Come Dancing's Flavia Cacace: Life as I know it

STRICTLY Come Dancing star Flavia Cacace, 33, lives in Guildford with her actor fiancé Jimi Mistry.

Flavia-Cacace-reveals-life-as-she-knows-itFlavia Cacace reveals life as she knows it
Not a lot of people know this but I'm very good at... playing the violin. I started when I was seven years old and I've managed to keep it up.
My best friend is... my mum, Rosaria. We live near each other, so I get to see her quite a lot.
The bravest thing I've ever done is... say yes to Strictly. Joining the team meant I'd have to give up ballroom dancing competitions, so it was a big decision. But I always preferred doing shows rather than competitions, so in a way it was a relief. It was quite daunting at first, though, and I had no idea that the show would be so popular.
My nickname is... When I was very young my mum used to call me Mela, which means apple in Italian, because I had a round head and red cheeks.
My favourite TV show is... Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. I'd love to have a dog of my own but at the moment, I wouldn't be able to give it enough time.
My perfect evening is... a night in.
My biggest regret is... I don't really have them - things happen for a reason and you have to follow your heart. Maybe I wish I'd learned tap or had singing lessons, but there's still time to do that later in life.
If I could change one thing about myself I'd... like to be a little taller. I'm 5ft 2ins and just a few extra inches would be nice. But as a dancer, I'm better off the way I am.
My first kiss was... not until my late teens.
The best thing my parents taught me was... everything. Everything comes from them. My mum was 40 when she had me and my dad is a little older. They raised me with strong morals and beliefs.
It's not good for my image but I like... chocolate muffins. Because I'm dancing all day I can have one sometimes but I try not to go mad.
If I could pass any law it would be... to educate youngsters in dance and music, and to encourage career options in the arts.
I drive... very rarely because I spend so much time in London.
The shop I can't walk past without buying something is... Costa or Starbucks - whenever I see one of those, I feel like having a skinny latte.
The last time I cried was... New Year's Eve when Jimi proposed. They were happy tears - I had no idea it was going to happen, but I was overjoyed.
 Flavia Cacace and dance partner Louis Smith Strictly Come Dancing Final
Because I'm dancing all day I can have a chocolate muffin sometimes. But I try not to go mad
Flavia Cacace
The first record I bought was... probably a Michael Jackson album.
The most expensive thing I've ever splashed out on is... a coat, I think I spent about £400 but I still wear it.
My perfect Sunday is... a lie-in, followed by brunch, a bit of shopping and then a movie at home.
My favourite place in Britain is... my house.
I'm currently reading... I'm not much of a reader, although I wish I were. I admire those people who can finish a book in two days.
The best day of my life was... I've been fortunate enough to have had a few amazing days, but the best has to be when Jimi proposed. He got down on one knee and it was a very special moment.
Flavia is the face of Ortak jewellery. See its new collection at