
Sunday 31 March 2013

Doctor Who's Matt Smith returns with new assistant Jenna-Louise Coleman

Doctor Who's Matt Smith returns with new assistant Jenna-Louise Coleman but fans left confused by The Bells of Saint John

Everyone's favourite Time Lord, Doctor Who, returned to BBC One last night.
Current star Matt Smith, 30, and 26-year-old actress Jenna-Louise Coleman, who plays his assistant, came back for the first episode of the second part of the seventh series on Saturday.
But the opening installment, The Bells of Saint John, has provoked a mixed reaction with fans and critics of the show.
Making a comeback: Jenna-Louise Coleman appeared alongside current Doctor Who Matt Smith in Saturday night's episode of the show
Making a comeback: Jenna-Louise Coleman appeared alongside current Doctor Who Matt Smith in Saturday night's episode of the show
A total of 6.18 million viewers tuned in to watch the popular sci-fi programme which properly featured new assistant Clara Oswin, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, for the first time.
    Jenna-Louise has appeared in the show twice before but both times died before being reincarnated for the most recent episode.
    And it seems the actress is quite a hit with fans with many tweeting their praise for the new star after watching her on Saturday night.
    One fan wrote: 'Jenna-Louise Coleman is already possibly my favourite companion. Hope they keep her on for a few seasons!'
    Another tweeted: 'Really enjoyed watching Doctor Who tonight. It's still the best show on television. Matt Smith & Jenna-Louise Coleman were just brilliant.'
    And another wrote: 'I do like the on-screen chemistry between Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman. Interested to see where the show goes over the next few weeks.'
    Star of the show: Matt Smith is currently starring as Doctor Who in the popular science-fiction series which returned on Saturday
    Star of the show: Matt Smith is currently starring as Doctor Who in the popular science-fiction series which returned on Saturday
    The plot of the episode involved a mysterious organisation headed up by Miss Kislet which was working on uploading the minds of innocent people onto the wi-fi network for 'the client'.
    The Doctor tracks assistant Clara down once again as her mind has partially been uploaded to the network leaving her with some memory loss and confusion.
    After helping her, he leaves her to rest before the pair work together on disabling the organisation who are working on the sinister project.
    However, while the performance of the new star may have been well received by viewers, the episode itself left some a little less than impressed.
    But many viewers were left baffled and confused by the storyline with many tweeting to express their feelings.
    Making a splash: Jenna-Louise Coleman made a good impression with fans of the show after returning from the dead to appear once again
    Making a splash: Jenna-Louise Coleman made a good impression with fans of the show after returning from the dead to appear once again
    One user wrote: 'Have they seriously done a Doctor Who episode about the dangers of "Free Public WiFi"?'
    Another confused fan tweeted: 'Re-watching Doctor Who in hope it makes more sense.'
    However, not all Whovians were so unimpressed by the episode.
    One viewer wrote: 'How awesome was tonight's episode of Doctor Who? Super awesome.'
    Meanwhile, it has been announced that tenth Doctor, David Tennant, actress Billie Piper, who played his assistant Rose Tyler, will return to the set of the show next week to record scenes for the 3-D 50th anniversary episode.
    The pair last appeared on the series in 2010 and former pop star Piper previously denied she had denied she had been asked to take part in the celebrations.
    During and interview on the Graham Norton Show, she said: 'I wasn't asked, no. I think Matt Smith may have said, in passing or in jest, it would be nice. I think maybe he said that and then it became something quite different, but no.'
    However, the BBC have since confirmed the pair will appear in the show again alongside current stars Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman.
    The next episode of Doctor Who airs on BBC One next Saturday.
    Dream team: Jenna-Louise Coleman is starring alongside Matt Smith in the show and both will feature in the upcoming 50th anniversary episode alongside former Doctor David Tennant and his assistant Billie Piper
    Dream team: Jenna-Louise Coleman is starring alongside Matt Smith in the show and both will feature in the upcoming 50th anniversary episode alongside former Doctor David Tennant and his assistant Billie Piper

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