
Sunday 12 May 2013

Coaches back Cleo Higgins in The Voice battle as Nu-Tarna's tactics leave Jessie J with a headache

'Cleo just got dragged into a dog fight there': Coaches back Cleo Higgins in The Voice battle as Nu-Tarna's tactics leave Jessie J with a headache

They made sure they were both seen and heard during the blind auditions of The Voice.
And when it came to be being pitted against former Cleopatra singer Cleo Higgins, Nu-Tarna made it clear they were going to fight to the bitter end.
But their brash attitude and over singing left the judges with ringing ears as Cleo was praised for her poise and was picked by her team leader, to go through to the next round of the competition.

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Battle: Nu-Tarna lost out in the battle round of The Voice against Cleo Higgins
Battle: Nu-Tarna lost out in the battle round of The Voice against Cleo Higgins
As soon as Will announced in Round 5 that old friends Nu-Tarna would be going up against Cleo, the tension was visible in the room.
And things didn't get any better during auditions when the two band members decided to play dirty and harmonize over Cleo's vocals.
Thing went from bad to worse when they walked into the ring to battle as it was clear Nu-Tarna meant business as they strutted and waved away.
Smooth: Cleo was praised for keeping her vocals despite the other two over singing
Smooth: Cleo was praised for keeping her vocals despite the other two over singing
As Nu-Tarna stared to sing Cleo made it clear she wasn’t impressed by their performance and the women began exchanging aggressive looks as they tried to own the stage.
However it seemed to get a little bit too much for Jessie as they continued to screech, leading her to put her fingers in her ears.
Following the performance Jessie turned to them and said: ‘I have a headache. You didn’t listen to each other and I feel like you are going to walk off with a sore throat.’
Us against you: The group made it very clear that they would do what they could to beat Cleo
Us against you: The group made it very clear that they would do what they could to beat Cleo
Danny agreed and Will said: ‘There was a lot going on. Nu-Tarna you started the riot, Cleo came out smooth.
‘I’m going to go with Cleo because of the control that she has.’]
And showing their true sides, one of the members of the group failed to even hug Cleo following her victory.
Something special: Cleo rose to fame as part of the girl group Cleopatra
Something special: Cleo rose to fame as part of the girl group Cleopatra
Danny and Tom then had the option to ‘steal’ the singers but neither of them decide to go with the fiery duo.
Shaking his head Danny said: ‘Cleo just got dragged into a dog fight there.’
The show began with Team Tom who picked Jamie Bruce and L.B Robinson for round 1 of the competition.
Tactics: Nu-Tarna seemed to enjoy winding Cleo up while they rehearsed for the battle
Tactics: Nu-Tarna seemed to enjoy winding Cleo up while they rehearsed for the battle
Upset: Cleo seemed to realise during rehearsals that she would be in for a hard journey with the group
Upset: Cleo seemed to realise during rehearsals that she would be in for a hard journey with the group
Speaking about his decision, Tom shared: ‘I paired them together because they are both of the soulful nature.’
During practise the duo were delighted when Tom had a go singing When Loves Comes To Town, which is the song they will be taken on. 
And once they got in the ring it seemed they have both picked up a top or two from the Welsh legend as they began to belt out the hit with plenty of confidence. 
Too much: Jesse was forced to put her fingers in her ears during the performance
Too much: Jesse was forced to put her fingers in her ears during the performance
Not impressed: As Nu-Tarna sang Jessie could be seen mouthing that it was 'too much'
Not impressed: As Nu-Tarna sang Jessie could be seen mouthing that it was 'too much'
Following the sing off the soulful singers embraced clearly delighted by their performance. 
Danny started by saying: ‘That battle just rattled the whole room.  I think I would top LB.’ agreed and said: ‘I would have gone with LB.’
Jessie continued: ‘The energy was great. I would agree with the guys it’s LB for me.’
Not too happy: Nu-Tarna were not impressed that none of the other coaches decided to steal them
Not too happy: Nu-Tarna were not impressed that none of the other coaches decided to steal them
Is that a real smile? One of the group failed to hug Cleo after she won
Is that a real smile? One of the group failed to hug Cleo after she won
Looking distressed Tom finally gave his answer after being prompted by Holly: ‘I have to go with Jamie I’m sorry.’
Jessie turned to him and said: ‘Tom, what are you doing?’
LB was then available to ‘steal’ and he got the chance to turn to the coaches to tell them why he wanted to stay in the competition.
However none of the coaches decided to press their ‘steal’ button despite Jessie declaring she thought Tom had made the wrong decision. 
Tough: was left unsure about what to do at various stages throughout the show
Tough: was left unsure about what to do at various stages throughout the show
Expressive: Jessie J really showed her range of facial expression during the battle episode
Expressive: Jessie J really showed her range of facial expression during the battle episode
Next up was Team Will who picked charity worker Matt Henry to go up against musical theatre star Jordan Lee Davies.
Matt seemed very nervous when he found out they would be singing Do I Do as he said he usually doesn’t take on Stevie Wonder.
However when it came to battle time Matt pulled out some serious moves in the ring, while Jordan tried to keep his musical theatre moves under wrap.
Clearly egged on by each other the pair began to pull out some extremely theatrical moves, including some serious hip shaking, which got and Jesse on their feet dancing. 
Jessie said: 'Congratulations on giving such a great performance. Vocally you are both amazing.'
On stage: Reggie Yates and Holly Willoughby hosted the first battle round
On stage: Reggie Yates and Holly Willoughby hosted the first battle round
Winner: In round 1Jamie Bruce beat L.B Robinson with his very soulful performance
Winner: In round 1Jamie Bruce beat L.B Robinson with his very soulful performance
While Tom added: 'For me I think Matt had more soul. Jordan put on a hell of a fight.’
Danny agreed: ‘Matt for me tipped it.’
Then Will had his go and said: ‘First up Matt freakin’ dope. That was like Tom Cruise with shoes on. Jordan when you hit those high notes – wow.’
Soulful: All of the coaches backed LB after his performance
Soulful: All of the coaches backed LB after his performance
The game is on: All of the competitors understood they would have to bring something impressive out of the bag to get through
The game is on: All of the competitors understood they would have to bring something impressive out of the bag to get through
Taking off his glasses, he added: ‘I’m going to pick Jordan, because they’re going to pick Matt.’
To which Jessie again said: ‘Really?’ While Tom said: ‘Ahh tactics.’
It was then time to see if Will’s master plan payed off and someone wanted to steal him.
Both Jessie and Tom pressed their ‘steal’ buzzer, leaving the power once again in Matt’s hands.
Round 2: Matt Henry went against musical theatre star Jordan Lee Davies (L)
Round 2: Matt Henry went against musical theatre star Jordan Lee Davies (L)
Round 2: Matt Henry went against musical theatre star Jordan Lee Davies (L)
In the background could be seen mouthing Tom at Matt but it seems it didn’t sway him as a nervous Matt decided: ‘I am going to go with my gut instinct and I’m going to go with Jessie.’
Will didn’t look particularly happy about the situation but said he cared more about people going through rather than people going through on his team. 
It was then time for Round 3 and Danny picked partially sighted Andrea Begley and soap star Alice Barlow.
The song choice was People Help The People by Birdy which is something Alice said she struggled with because she is not used to showing emotion as she is used to playing someone.
Work it: The two men put on a hugely impressive performance really working the stage
Work it: The two men put on a hugely impressive performance really working the stage
Surprise: amazed the audience and judges by picking Jordan
Surprise: amazed the audience and judges by picking Jordan
When the time came though Alice certainly seemed to find the emotion within her and all of the judges appeared to be moved by what they heard from both the women. 
Will told her: 'That was beautiful, you’re voices sounded angelic. It was amazing.'
But Jessie said: 'For me the song suited Andrea more than Alice.'
Danny concluded: 'Alice that was an incredible performance.
‘I’m going to go for feeling I always trust and that’s the hair that goes up at the back of my neck. And I get that every time this person sings so that’s Andrea.’
Round 3: Danny picked partially sighted Andrea Begley (L) and soap star Alice Barlow
Round 3: Danny picked partially sighted Andrea Begley (L) and soap star Alice Barlow
Round 3: Danny picked partially sighted Andrea Begley (L) and soap star Alice Barlow
Winning: It was Andrea's hugely impressive voice which shone through and helped her win the battle
Winning: It was Andrea's hugely impressive voice which shone through and helped her win the battle
Emotional: Jessie was left close to tears hearing Andrea sing during the show
Emotional: Jessie was left close to tears hearing Andrea sing during the show
Because Jessie had already stolen an act only and Tom could ‘steal’ and unfortunately neither of them decided to press. 
At last it was Round 4 and Jessie’s go and she chose Katie Benbow vs beautician Sarah Cassidy.
Katie was initially very nervous because she doesn’t have the same amount of training as Sarah has had.
She also felt that the song, Katy Perry’s Alien, wasn’t very her as she usually draws inspiration from the past.
Here come the girls: Katie Benbow (R) went up against beautician Sarah Cassidy for a place on team Jessie
Here come the girls: Katie Benbow (R) went up against beautician Sarah Cassidy for a place on team Jessie
Age: At the end of the day it came down to age and Jessie decided not to take 20-year-old Katy through
Age: At the end of the day it came down to age and Jessie decided not to take 20-year-old Katy through
Starting standing back to back it was clear from the start it was set to be an impressive performance. 
The judges looked rather gobsmacked as the song continued with the women belting out massive notes. 
Tom started: ‘They are very similar in the way they sing,' But Jessie interrupted: ‘Really I think they are completely different?’
‘If I’m honest as I always am, I have no idea right now.   I am going to go with the person that I…I’m going to go with my gut instinct – the winner of this battle is Sarah.’
She then turned to Danny and begged ‘please steal her, please steal her, she’s so good.’
Proud: Adam and Ash were clearly pleased with their performance and enjoyed a hug after
Proud: Adam and Ash were clearly pleased with their performance and enjoyed a hug after
Impressed: Tom was very sly about stealing an act at the last minute
Impressed: Tom was very sly about stealing an act at the last minute
Katy said: ‘You know with no disrespect to Jessie j that song didn’t get to show the real me and I’d really like that opportunity.’
However none of the other judges decided to ‘steal’ her meaning she went home, while Jessie admitted she was annoying Katy didn’t tell her before that she didn’t like the song. 
The final battle, Round 6, was between Ash Morgan and Adam Barron from Team Jessie.
And both the men were equally impressed with each other in the practice and Jessie was keen to let them both know just how good they are.
Final sing-off: Round 6 was between Ash Morgan (L) and Adam Barron from Team Jessie
Final sing-off: Round 6 was between Ash Morgan (L) and Adam Barron from Team Jessie
Final sing-off: Round 6 was between Ash Morgan (L) and Adam Barron from Team Jessie
Victorious: Jessie decided to go for Ash after his characterful performance
Victorious: Jessie decided to go for Ash after his characterful performance
Tom started: ‘Yeah yeah they are different types of singers. I’m glad I don’t have to make that choice.’
Danny piped up and said: ‘Whoever she doesn’t choose I might try and steal.’
While Will mused:  ‘If I were Jesse right now I would choose Ash but if I was me or Danny right now I’d choose Adam.’
But the final decision was up to Jesse and she said: ‘For me it was like credible artists who already have albums out getting together for a Grammy performance. 
Second chance: Fortunately Tom Jones decided to steal Adam giving him another chance on the show
Second chance: Fortunately Tom Jones decided to steal Adam giving him another chance on the show
‘I’m basing my decision on who I feel in the next round I can coach, and for that reason the person who has won this battle is Ash.’
And as soon as Adam was available to ‘steal’ both Danny and Tom pressed their buttons before he could even say anything.
Looking lost Adam: ‘I am going to base this on who’s music to I’ve listened to in the last few years and that’s going to be the amazing man that is Tom.’


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