
Thursday 8 January 2015

'Delighted' Frankie Bridge expecting second child with husband Wayne... but is suffering from same severe morning sickness as the Duchess of Cambridge

'Delighted' Frankie Bridge expecting second child with husband Wayne... but is suffering from same severe morning sickness as the Duchess of Cambridge

She danced her way into the Strictly Come Dancing final last month but Frankie Bridge now has even more reason to celebrate. 
The 25-year-old pop star has revealed that she and her husband Wayne - who already have son Parker, 15 months together - are expecting their second child and 'couldn't be happier'.
Frankie tweeted: 'So excited to tell you that Wayne & I are expecting another baby later this year. We cant wait for Parker to have a little brother or sister Sadly I'm really unwell with my pregnancy and won't be able to take part in the Strictly tour. I'm SO sorry. I was so looking forward to it. 
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Baby on board: Frankie Bridge has revealed that she and husband Wayne will welcome their second child together later this year 
Baby on board: Frankie Bridge has revealed that she and husband Wayne will welcome their second child together later this year 
She also said in a statement: 'Wayne and I are delighted to announce that we are expecting our second baby. It is very early days, but we couldn't be happier and Parker will make a wonderful big brother.'
However, it's not all good news as Frankie is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, the same severe morning sickness which affected the Duchess of Cambridge during both of her pregnancies.
And the illness means Frankie has had to pull out of the upcoming Strictly Come Dancing tour.
She said: 'Although this is such an incredible time for us as a family, due to health reasons I am sadly unable to go on the Strictly tour as planned.
Proud parents: The couple already have 15-month-old son Parker together 
Proud parents: The couple already have 15-month-old son Parker together 
'I'm devastated that I'm missing out, as I loved Strictly so much and was so looking forward to joining everyone again in all those fabulous arenas. Thanks for the warm messages I've already received, they are really appreciated.' 
Frankie - who married Wayne last year - made the announcement on Twitter. 
While Frankie has had to pull out of the tour, her representatives insist it will not affect her girl group The Saturdays, explaining: 'It will be business as usual for The Saturdays. The band will continue together as they always have through pregnancies.'
Una Foden, Frankie's The Saturdays bandmate, is also pregnant at the moment and already has daughter Aoife with husband Ben Foden. 
Excited: Frankie's bandmates rushed to congratulate her and Wayne on the good news 
Excited: Frankie's bandmates rushed to congratulate her and Wayne on the good news 
Just last month Frankie told OK! magazine she would love to have another child soon.  
'I'd love Parker to have a brother or sister – them being close in age would be so fun,' she told the publication.
'Wayne's desperate to have another because Parker isn't a baby any more. I don't want to leave it too long.'
Frankie admitted that she found it tough, however, to leave her little one behind while she trained for competitive dance show, Strictly.


Hyperemesis gravidarum affects about 15 per cent of all pregnancies.
The condition is thought to be caused by elevated levels of 'pregnancy hormone' HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, which increases after conception.
It causes severe vomiting and can lead to dehydration, weight loss and a build-up of toxins in the blood or urine, called ketosis.
It is much more serious than the nausea commonly experienced by expectant mothers.
The severe dehydration puts both mother and baby at risk of being deprived of essential nutrients and sufferers can be left vomiting up to 30 times a day, with exhausting and hazardous consequences.
They cannot eat or drink without retching and may lose up to 10 per cent of their body weight when they are supposed to be gaining about 1lb a week.
It can trigger a build-up of toxins in the blood or urine known as ketosis as the body tries to compensate for lack of food.
Hyperemesis sufferers can also experience acid reflux, where stomach acid keeps repeating up the throat.
Hospital treatment for these women is essential, as without intravenous feeding and fluids they are at risk of becoming dangerously dehydrated.
Treatment typically includes an injection of the drug heparin to protect against blood clots triggered by dehydration, as well as supplementation of vitamin B, one of the vitamins most depleted by the condition.
An intravenous infusion of saline for rehydration is standard practice.
The condition can also affect the baby's development and there is a risk it will be premature or have a very low birth weight. In severe cases, the sickness can trigger a miscarriage.
Illness: Frankie is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, the same severe morning sickness which affected the Duchess of Cambridge during both of her pregnancies
Illness: Frankie is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, the same severe morning sickness which affected the Duchess of Cambridge during both of her pregnancies
'I missed Parker so much,' she said. 
'But I knew he was at home with Wayne having a good time, which actually made me jealous of Wayne getting to spend so much time with him. 
'Sometimes I'd get in the car after leaving him and I'd get so upset.'
'Strictly was amazing but being reunited with Parker was better. I'm back to mummy duty and that's the best job!'
'I'm just completely besotted with Parker – him and Wayne are the best thing that's ever happened to me.'  
More Saturdays babies: Frankie's The Saturdays bandmate Una Healy is also expecting her second child with husband Ben
More Saturdays babies: Frankie's The Saturdays bandmate Una Healy is also expecting her second child with husband Ben
Desperate: Frankie told OK! Magazine just last month that Wayne was ready for another baby
Desperate: Frankie told OK! Magazine just last month that Wayne was ready for another baby

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