
Thursday 8 January 2015

Poker-faced Victoria Beckham reveals the REAL reason she never smiles in public in a new online video for

'I have a responsibility to the fashion community!' Poker-faced Victoria Beckham reveals the REAL reason she never smiles in public

  • Victoria, 40, took part in a video interview with the US fashion bible
  • She addresses her famous poker face, favourite food and secret skill
  • If she could spend the day with anyone, she'd pick husband of 15 years
Ever wondered what Victoria Beckham's spirit animal is? Or whether she has any nicknames for her children. 
Well now you can find out. For the fashion designer has revealed all about her life in a new online video for
As part of the fashion bible's 73 Questions series she reveals her favourite drink, her best fashion secret and why she never smiles. 
Scroll down for video 
The first thing Victoria Beckham does each day is check on her children, she tells
The first thing Victoria Beckham does each day is check on her children, she tells
In the video Victoria walks around her new Dover Street store, London, answering the questions with a wry smile on her face, her tongue firmly in her cheek.
'What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?,' the interviewer asks. 'I check on my kids,' says the 40-year-old.
She goes on to reveal that she works out at 6am daily, sunset orange is her favourite colour and 12 Years A Slave is the film that makes her cry the most.
Perhaps her sweetest confession comes when asked about her former footballer husband David Beckham.
The interviewer asks what her ideal date would be to which she answered: 'A night in with my husband.'
Does she believe in love of first sight? 'Absolutely,' she replies.
During the interview Victoria led the Vogue team around her Mayfair store wearing a chic white coat
During the interview Victoria led the Vogue team around her Mayfair store wearing a chic white coat
At one point during the video the interviewer asks the fashion designer to try a pair of her own sunglasses
At one point during the video the interviewer asks the fashion designer to try a pair of her own sunglasses
Asked if she could have a day with anyone in history, living or dead, she answers without hesitation, 'my husband'.
Victoria also assures viewers that David loves everything in her wardrobe but she wasn't a fan of that 'full-on Gucci look that he pushed a few years ago'.
And if she could take back one outfit, it was 'the full Gucci look in leather that I wore a few years ago.'
The singer-turned-fashion mogul says that, 'salt,' is her favourite food and joked that, 'posh,' is her favourite spice.
She says that her secret skill is that: 'I used to be able to juggle,' and that her ultimate fashion lesson is, 'less is more'.
During the interview Victoria tries on a pair of her own sunglasses displayed in a case in her store
During the interview Victoria tries on a pair of her own sunglasses displayed in a case in her store
Victoria takes a question from a man on an iPad who asks her advice on his engagement ring
Victoria takes a question from a man on an iPad who asks her advice on his engagement ring
Victoria is the latest in a long line of celebrities to be asked Vogue's 73 Questions. The questions change depending on the celebrity and the location of the shoot is always specific to the person. 
When Sarah Jessica Parker took part in the interview they spoke to her at her New York home while Blake Lively's interview involved making cupcakes as she's a keen baker. 
In a touching moment Victoria - who says that Napa Valley in northern California, is her favourite holiday destination - reveals that her children Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper have taught her to love unconditionally.
Victoria takes one question from a man in America who wants her advice on whether he should give his girlfriend his grandmother's old engagement ring or buy her a new one. 
The designer says that she would go with new and he shouldn't give her, 'that ropey old thing.'
During the 73 Questions interview Posh leads the interviewer and his camera around her store 
During the 73 Questions interview Posh leads the interviewer and his camera around her store 
Victoria's own shop, showcasing her designs, opened in Dover Street, London, In September
Victoria's own shop, showcasing her designs, opened in Dover Street, London, In September
Victoria, who seems to be floating around her shop in the film, is asked what her worst question to be asked is and says it is, 'Why don't you ever smile'. 
She then jokes that she's smiling on the inside and the reason she never breaks into a grin is because: 'I feel that I have a responsibility to the fashion community.'
Victoria opened her first store in September having launched her fashion empire in 2008. Since then the business has gone from strength to strength. 
It has previously been reported that following the success of her UK store Victoria has hopes to open stores in America and Japan.  
Victoria said that her children, pictured here at one of her shows in 2014, have taught her to love unconditionally 
Victoria said that her children, pictured here at one of her shows in 2014, have taught her to love unconditionally 

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