Tuesday 5 November 2013

Chloe Bennet Dishes Her Gig on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chloe Bennet Dishes Her Gig on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are dead bodies floating midair this week on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Tuesday at 8/7c, on ABC) and that has the show's sextet of investigators rushing to solve the mystery. Only one thing's certain about this crazy plot: We'll get some choice, wiseass remarks from Skye, the computer hacker played by scene stealer Chloe BennetTV Guide Magazinespoke with the 21-year-old actress about her totally Marvel-ous life.

TV Guide Magazine: Skye is a laugh riot, but considering her past with the anti-S.H.I.E.L.D group Rising Tide, can she really be trusted? 

Bennet: Skye's still a wild card. Let's face it, she was basically forced to join the S.H.I.E.L.D team or go to jail. But she also has issues about her [unknown] parents. Being with S.H.I.E.L.D. is the closest she's ever come to family and that means a lot to her. She's never had people who care about her. I don't think she'd screw this up.

TV Guide Magazine: Twitter went nuts at the end of episode 2 when it seemed Skye was a big phony who was secretly still with Rising Tide. A lot of fans were pissed.

Bennet: I couldn't blame them because I went nuts, too! I was so excited about this job and when I got to that part in the script I was, like, "Huh? What the f—k? It's over for me already?" [Laughs] I called up the writers in a panic. "What is this? What does it mean?" I was so relieved to find out that, in the end, it was all about a cute boy. But, even now, people are on Twitter going, "I want to trust you but I don't."

TV Guide Magazine: On the subject of cute boys, are we heading toward a Skye-Ward romance?

Bennet: I think it's definitely going to happen. Well, that's what I want to see, anyway. I'm crossing my fingers. I mean, just look at that Brett Dalton! [Laughs] If I don't get to flirt with him in every episode, I'm done. I'm leaving the show! I think the fans want to see them together, too. They may not be bold enough to have a romance on the job in their real lives but they want to see other people make that mistake!

TV Guide Magazine: How has your life changed since S.H.I.E.L.D. hit the air?

Bennet: It's all still so surreal. There are days when we're on the set being sucked out of an airplane or shot at by soldiers in Peru and then I go back to my life and I'm standing in the grocery store going, "Should I get the organic eggs or the regular ones?" The difference is so extreme. Sometimes the cast will get together on a Saturday and go to dinner and even that's weird. It's like we're all still together but we're not on our plane, the Bus, flying somewhere to fix a crisis. It's such a great, fun bunch of actors to hang with. They're all really laid back and relatively similar to their characters.

TV Guide Magazine: Does that go for you, too? 

Bennet: I'm becoming more and more like Skye as time goes on. We now have the same clothes, the same makeup. In fact, I find myself thinking of her as real, like she's my friend or something. I'll be out shopping with my real friends and see a jacket and say, "Oh, Skye would love this!" They think I'm a freak. 

TV Guide Magazine: Didn't you first audition for Simmons, the role that went to Elizabeth Henstridge?

Bennet: Yes, and after meeting me the casting people went, "No way in hell is she believable as a biochemist" — which was very disappointing to my mom, the doctor! But I could never do what Elizabeth does. She is the most awesome, funniest person on our show and I die every time she has a line. [Laughs] I am obsessed with her!

TV Guide Magazine: What's it like growing up as the only girl in a family with six brothers? 

Bennet: Not bad, if you don't mind being held down all the time and having your face farted on. Now that I'm on S.H.I.E.L.D., they think I'm kinda cool. They never cared when I had a recurring role on Nashville. They were, like, "Yeah, whatever. Can you get me Hayden Panettiere's phone number?"