Thursday 26 September 2013

Watch 10 Minutes of Behind the Scenes Footage from the Making of 'Machete Kills'

Watch 10 Minutes of Behind the Scenes Footage from the Making of 'Machete Kills'

(Open Road)

Machete Kills looks AWESOME. It's ridiculous, over-the-top, and doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest. I mean, there are boob guns. BOOB GUNS! It's like the antidote to all the dark, brooding, emo superhero movies that have been dominating the cineplex lately. While the super cool festival of death and destruction doesn't hit theaters until October 11, we've got some behind the scenes b-roll of Danny Trejo, Sofia Vergara, Michelle Rodriguez, and the rest of the cast taking directions from Robert Rodriguez as they film the movie.

On the one hand, it's pretty demystifying to see Machete Kills without all the special effects, but on the other it a rare inside look of what a movie looks like before it becomes the finished product that makes the big screen.