![Photo: #RandomSelfieOfTheDay pahaha! Off to workkkk =D xx](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1150986_10151606161447219_317282932_n.jpg)
Emerging Icons Live: 2 Sept - 7 Sept 2013-Huffington Post
September's already looking bloody splendid for those of you who love a good gig- which means pretty much all of you reading this right now.
We've picked out some of the hottest gigs for you to get locked down in your diaries in the coming week. Have a read about these unmissable shows, and if you fancy going along, follow the links below to find out more about the artists and listen to their tunes.
If you're looking for finest up-and-coming talent and the most cracking shows in all the land, look no further than our Top Five Emerging Icons Live...
For centuries, the Far East has inspired travellers from all around to venture there in the hope of experiencing beautiful and exotic sights and sounds. Next Thursday you can do the very same... by hopping on the tube and visiting East London's hottest of hotspots to bask in the wondrous beauty of a Persian Princess. While the royalty aspect may not be 100% official, Raphaella certainly rules the realm of emerging pop music. With a jaw-dropping voice and sublime back catalogue of hits-waiting-to-happen, she'll hold her own in a line-up that also features sets from hotly-tipped acts Lady Lykez and Little Nikki. This a show that's not to be missed.