So ladylike! Claire Danes shines in silver sequin and white satin gown at AFI Awards luncheon in Beverly Hills
She dazzled earlier this week at the People's Choice Awards.
And Claire Danes kept the show stopping looks coming at the 16th Annual AFI Awards luncheon in Beverly Hills on Friday.
The 36-year-old made sure to stand out in a white satin gown with shimmering silver sequin neckline.

She does sparkle! Claire Danes shined in a silver sequin and white satin gown at the AFI Awards in Beverly Hills on Friday
Claire donned the elegant midi number which showcased her slim physique and feminine curves.
The Homeland actress left her silky blonde tresses down for the event and swept her bangs to one side which highlighted her natural beauty.
Danes, who first shot to fame in 1994's My So-Called Life, kept her makeup to a minimum but added a pop of colour with a slick red lipstick.

Perfect fit! The Homeland actress donned the elegant midi number which showcased her slim physique and feminine curves

Blonde ambition: Ratings for her show Homeland have been up this year
The mother-of-one attended the People's Choice Awards ceremony on Wednesday in a sexy backless black and silver metallic gown.
Claire took home an award for Favorite Premium Cable TV Actress for her work on Showtime's Homeland.
While she's been focused on her career, Danes opened up last month about her six-year marriage to British actor Hugh Dancy, 40.

Making a statement! The mother-of-one attended the People's Choice Awards ceremony on Wednesday in a sexy backless black and silver metallic gown

Award winner! Claire - pictured with her Homeland co-star Mandy Patinkin - took home an award for Favorite Premium Cable TV Actress for her work on Showtime's Homeland
The couple normally tend to shy away from the spotlight but the Golden Globe winner discussed her relationship on’s digital fashion magazine THE EDIT.
She said: 'Marriage is wonderful. It’s challenging, and… it just keeps getting deeper. I keep learning more things about him and myself, and that’s not always comfortable.
'But I have this incredible security, and it’s a huge asset to have a partnership with someone you trust and admire – and want to make out with.'
The pair wed in 2009 before Claire gave birth to the couple's son, Cyrus, who's nearly two, in December 2013.

Red carpet romance! Danes with her husband, British actor Hugh Dancy, 40 - the couple wed in 2009 and Claire told THE EDIT: 'Marriage is wonderful. It’s challenging, and… it just keeps getting deeper'
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