Party girl quits drinking and loses EIGHT stone after losing her mother to liver cancer
- Sara-Jayne Foreman, 26, has lost eight stone and six dress sizes
- Diet of takeaways and alcohol saw her balloon to 18st 6 and a size 20
- Inspired to change her diet after her tee-total mother died of liver cancer
- Gillian Foreman was diagnosed with terminal cancer aged 56
- Sarah-Jayne says: 'I hope she is proud of the new person she has made me'
A daughter who lived the life of a party animal was spurred into losing more than eight stone and six dress sizes after her mother died of liver cancer.
Sara-Jayne Foreman, who at her largest was a size 20, put her expanding figure out of her head as she enjoyed boozy nights out with her friends, until her tee-total mother Gillian was diagnosed with the terminal illness.
The 26-year-old swapped a diet of takeaways for fresh fruit and vegetables, and a variety of home-cooked meals to see her figure drop to a svelte size eight.

Stunning transformation: Sara-Jayne Foreman swapped a diet of takeaways for fresh fruit and vegetables, and a variety of home-cooked meals to see her figure drop to a svelte size eight from size 20
Sara-Jayne said: 'When I found out mum had cancer I was devastated.
'It didn't make any sense - she never drank, she never smoked and everything she ate was really healthy.
'Her cupboards were full of fresh food and she didn't have any junk.'
Despite being a slim size 12 while at school, Sara-Jayne began eating unhealthy when she left, and stopped being active.

Sara has dropped from 18st 6 and a size 20 (right) to just 10st 3 and a size 8 in just two years after being spurred to change her unhealthy lifestyle following her mothers diagnosis and death

Sara Jayne, with her mother Gillian (front right), father Garry Foreman and sister Sophie Rose
The hairdresser said: 'I was on the go all the time while I was still at school, but then I lost it and started eating loads of rubbish and going out all the time.
'The weight began to creep on, but I pushed it out of my mind and started eating loads of takeaways.
'I was living with my dad and his portion sizes were huge. His work patterns were different to mine so I was having four takeaways a week as well as McDonalds and KFC for lunch.
'I would eat Chinese, Indian and Pizza over three nights and then whichever I had preferred, I would have on the fourth night.
'I noticed I was going up in dress sizes but I didn't think I was that big.'

Sara Jayne, who was a size 20 at this time lived the life of a party animal and her diet consisted largely of takeaways and alcohol
Sara-Jayne's party lifestyle meant the weight piled on and before she knew it, she weighed more than 18 stone.

Gillian Foreman wad diagnosed with terminal liver cancer at age 56
'When I started going out, I noticed I looked massive,' she said.'
'I just tried to be a party animal and be like anyone else to put it out of my head.
'I couldn't fit into fashionable clothes so I would run into shops like Evans and just buy anything that fit.
'If I went into Topshop I would buy the clothes that are meant to be oversized, but on me, they were fitted.'
But when Gillian, 56, became unwell, Sara-Jayne was forced to face up to her own health.
Sara-Jayne, from Pontefract, Yorkshire, said: 'It was my worst nightmare and totally out of the blue.
'It was a big strain on the whole family. We spent nine months by her side before she died, we just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.
'I thought about how short life was, and when she passed away I decided I needed to sort my life out.'
Sara-Jayne joined Weight Watchers with her auntie Janet, tipping the scales at 18 stone 6.
After just two months, she had already lost 2.5 stone.
She said: 'I felt like a completely different person. I didn't think I was that big but when I look back at pictures I think I looked massive.

Sara says that the devastating loss of her mother changed her perspective and realise life is short and made her reassess her own health and lifestyle choices
'Going down a dress size or preparing for a holiday spurred me on to keep going and I changed my whole lifestyle.'
In less than two years, Sara-Jayne has lost more than EIGHT stone, and now weighs in at an incredible 10 stone 3.
'I feel great and I love creating new recipes with fresh food.
'I have gone to eat the stuff that I used to but I don't like it anymore.
'Losing my mum spurred me on because it made me see things in a totally different perspective.
'I hope she is proud of the new person she has made me.'
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