Alesha Dixon talks Britain's Got Talent, Simon Cowell and keeping fit
Britain’s Got Talent judge Alesha Dixon, 34, chats to Take It Easy Magazine on this year's amazing contestants, how she gets beach ready for summer and being exercise mad...
Britain’s Got Talent is just back on our screens, are you looking forward to this series?
Yeah, we got all the auditions and deliberations done a few weeks ago and now the live shows have started! It’s going to be a great series and a lot of fun, more fun than last year if that’s even possible!
Is there anything that your particularly excited about?
Yes, I’m literally excited about everything, I’m looking forward to the chemistry and the banter between Simon and David, to see the girls versus boys which tends to happen quite a lot this series, and the variety of acts is amazing, just when you think you’ve seen it all somebody else comes up.
Who’s been your favourite so far over the other series?
I absolutely loved Diversity, I think they are amazing. I obviously am a massive fan of street dance, it’s has been around for many, many years but I loved the fact that they got it to the mainstream and they educated a lot of people in the country on the style and that then encouraged young kids to take up street dance. I love it when somebody like that can come along and have a knock on effect to a new generation.
Do you enjoy working with Simon, David and Amanda?
I love it, I absolutely love it, it doesn’t feel like work, it’s sort of like we’re back to being teenagers and just have fun. We’re all cheeky with one another and there’s just a nice, relaxed rapport, it’s never boring!
You’re also creative director at LA Fitness, why did you choose to work with them?
Well I’ve worked with LA Fitness now for over three years, and I get to encourage people to exercise, to look after themselves and to get fit. Exercise and health is a big part of my life and so working with them is a great thing. I’ve always been very active, since school. I got a diploma in sports studies and wanted to be a PE teacher before I got into the music industry. I love it and I think there’s nothing better than encouraging people to take care of themselves. I think LA fitness is a great company because it’s all about showing people how you can have fun with exercise rather than it being a chore. The classes are amazing and the personal trainers are fantastic. I’ve got a personal trainer called Janet who I’ve been so fortunate to work with for the last three years, and she is like my little mini-motivator. They really do help you stay focused, and I’ve learnt so much from her.
How many times do you see her a week?
Well in an ideal world three times, but sometimes depending on work it’s not always possible. I also go into the gym and I work out at home because of the nature of my lifestyle. But I like going into the gym when you see other people working out it motivates you and you get that fire in your belly. And I’m quite a competitive person, you’re sort of competing with people and they don’t realise it! I also like getting outdoors and walking, and running, mixing it up, I keep my body guessing and I like keeping it interesting so it doesn’t get boring.
Do you have a favourite class at LA Fitness?
Yeah, I love Body Balance. My workouts with Janet tend to be quite intense, we do a lot of weights, a lot of lunges, squats and cardio. So when I get to do a class I love doing the complete opposite and body balance is a combination of Tai chi, pilates and yoga. It’s brilliant for stretching your body and calming you, it’s a fantastic mix.

How would you suggest toning up in time for summer?
I would probably do a lot of body conditioning and muscle toning. I would also eat cleaner and little but often, and I’d make sure that I have good portion control. I wouldn’t necessarily cut major things out of my diet. When it’s raining and the weather’s bad, I tend to eat big pasta dishes but when I know the sun’s coming I just cut back on portion size. Women carry our emotions, our food, our lack of sleep and everything else at the front of our tummies. So with more sleep, portion control and a little bit of exercise it can make a huge difference to how you feel in the summer.
When you’re on holiday do you like to look good?
Even though I have quite a glamourous job, when I’m on my own I’m not overly conscious about how I look, it’s more how I feel. When I go away I do eat better, I love lounging around on holiday but I also like to get active. I’ll go walking or visit a gym, I’ll maybe do a class or something in the morning and then spend the rest of the day lounging. That way I feel good. I think all of us naturally become body conscious during the summer because we’re revealing our bodies but if you take the baby steps to take care of yourself, once the summer comes and you do have to get your bikini on you won’t feel as body conscious and you can just enjoy it and relax.
What things would you keep in your handbag on holiday?
Very little you know, when I’m on holiday I kind of travel light. Probably just a good lipgloss, sunscreen, sunglasses and some sort of shawl or scarf.
What holidays have you got planned for this year?
I have but nothing abroad, I’m actually going to Cornwall on a dog holiday with my family. We’re renting a farm house and there’s going to be 11 dogs and 12 adults so it’s going to be fun. And hopefully we’ll get some nice weather!
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