Game of Thrones: The story so far explained in funny gifs

Reigning supreme ... Game of Thrones
THE opening episode of Game of Thrones Season 3 became the most pirated TV show ever with over a million shares and downloads in one day.
And fans have been quick to pay homage to the greatest moments of incest and intrigue from warring families the Lannisters, the Starks and the Targaryens with gifs.
From Joffrey's slap scene, to Viserys getting a crown of gold poured on his head, we take a look back through Seasons 1 and 2 via our favourite animations.
King Robert Baratheon is the drunken ruler on the Iron Throne. He's in charge of Seven Kingdoms that are packed full of power-hungry lords.
His wife Cersei - from the House of Lannister - has been plotting to get her own family into the seat of power.
When she's not drunk, that is.
Shockingly, she's been sleeping with someone else....
Her dastardly twin brother Jamie.
Cersei doesn't want anyone to discover that he is the real father of Robert's children.
So when little Bran Stark catches them bonking, Jamie shoves him out of a window, leaving the boy disabled.
But it's their dwarf brother Tyrion who is blamed for the attempted murder.
Ned Stark discovers their secret, prompting Cersei to murder Robert in a boar-hunting 'accident' before he can be told the truth.
His insufferable (and illegitimate) son Joffrey takes the throne and orders Ned's execution on the grounds of treason.
Joffrey starts annoying everyone, especially his uncle, Tyrion.
Rob Stark calls his father's bannermen together and declares war on the Lannisters.
Robert's brothers Stannis and Renly also set out to reclaim their throne. Stannis is a serious, unforgiving man, but he has plenty of enthusiasm, and a strong team behind him.
At the end of Season 2 the Lannisters defeat Stannis at the Battle of the Blackwater.
Meanwhile, the heirs to the deposed former King - Princess Danerys and Prince Viserys - have been plotting reclaim their place on the Iron Throne with the help of some barbarians, the Dothraki.
Danerys marries their leader Khal Drogo, who doesn't speak much, but is very manly.
The Dothraki throw her a baby shower.
Then Drogo dispatches with evil Prince Viserys by giving him what he's always wanted - a golden crown.
But as the Lannisters and Starks fight for the thrown, they are ignoring pressing dangers.
At the north of Westeros stands a giant ice barrier called The Wall, which is the only thing that stands between the realm and the evil White Walkers beyond.
It's guarded by the Night's Watch, who have taken a vow of celibacy to help them focus on the job.
Also behind the wall are the free folk, who have amassed an army to invade the Seven Kingdoms.
Jon Snow manages to infiltrate the Wildlings and pretty soon, he's got them eating out of the palm of his hands.
At the end of season 2 one thing becomes clear: everyone should have listened to Ned Stark because Winter is Coming - and it doesn't take any prisoners.
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