Sunday 13 October 2013

Bianca Gascoigne whipped into shape on Sussex beach

Whipped into shape (literally)! Bianca Gascoigne gets put through her paces as she works out on Sussex beach

While most people would look less than pleased if they faced a whipping during a gruelling work out; Bianca Gascoigne had a permanent smile on her face.
The television personality was seen enduring an intense exercise session on an East Sussex beach on Thursday.
The 26-year-old is staying at the Slimmeria Retreat, where gentle encouragement is used to make guests work harder. 
Whipped: Bianca Gascoigne works up a sweat at Slimmeria in East Sussex
Whipped: Bianca Gascoigne works up a sweat at Slimmeria in East Sussex
The model maintained her famous glamorous look as she jogged alongside her trainer, before turning her hand to boxing.
The blonde star kept her long locks down over her shoulders as she worked out in black Lycra leggings and a low-cut vest.
    Bianca's ample chest was hard to miss as she worked on her legs in a series of squats, while adding to the work out by holding a blue weight.
    Beach: Bianca had a smile on her face despite the gruelling work out
    Beach: Bianca had a smile on her face despite the gruelling work out
    Work out: The glamour models tones up her biceps with help from a trainer
    Work out: The glamour models tones up her biceps with help from a trainer
    The trainer-clad model was later seen attempting to pick up an old fashioned, wooden cart, while her companion stayed firmly by her side.
    Bianca did have a slight grimace on her face as she held the wheeled wagon, showing off her pearly whites.
    Despite her tough week, Bianca found time to update her Twitter followers, saying: 'Getting whipped at bootcamp for being a naughty...'

    Getting stronger: Bianca attempts to lift a heavy wooden cart
    Getting stronger: Bianca attempts to lift a heavy wooden cart
    Bianca looked glamorous as she threw herself into the gruelling session
    Bianca looked glamorous as she threw herself into the gruelling session
    Tired? Bianca looked glamorous as she threw herself into the gruelling session
    Press ups: The star showed off her ample chest as she lifted herself up on a bench
    Press ups: The star showed off her ample chest as she lifted herself up on a bench
    She also wrote to her friend on the micro blogging site to say: 'I'm just thinking of the end result want the perfect birthday body for the end of the month xxx'.
    It was Nando's, and specifically halloumi, that Bianca was craving as she worked hard to stick to Slimmeria's strict vegan diet.
    It wasn't all jogging, boxing and weights, as the star also got to indulge in a lengthy sauna session before getting back to it the following day.

    Rocky eat your heart out! Bianca dons boxing gloves and tries out her punch
    Rocky eat your heart out! Bianca dons boxing gloves and tries out her punch
    Bianca looked glamorous as she worked out on the pebble beach
    Bianca looked glamorous as she worked out on the pebble beach
    Blonde: The star left her long locks down as she ran up and down the beach
    Tired? Bianca throws her head back as she holds the cart
    Tired? Bianca throws her head back as she holds the cart
    The retreat, which was featured on Channel 4 programme, Four in a Bed, is based in a Grade II listed Georgian house in the middle of the countryside.
    Slimmeria specialises in detoxing, weight-loss and fitness and, after first opening in 2010, claims to help participants lose an average of 12lbs a week. 
    Mobile phone use is restricted to customers rooms, which can cost up to £975 for a week long stay in the Boutique Garden Suite.

    Relax: The star spent time in the sauna after her session
    Relax: The star spent time in the sauna after her session
    Punch: The blonde star looked to be concentrating on her work out
    Punch: The blonde star looked to be concentrating on her work out
    Not quite a massage: The star is hit with branches after the intense routine
    Not quite a massage: The star is hit with branches after the intense routine

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